Cookie policy
To help to understand the needs of our customers and improve service, data collected on this website will be held on our secure database. All customer data stored on Brewers' secure server complies with statutory requirements. We will never make this data available to any other company or third party.
We endeavour to protect the information you provide and there are strict security procedures that have been put in place. Our servers can only ever be accessed by authorised personnel.
The following information about cookies is part of our ongoing efforts to keep you informed, safeguard your privacy, and comply with privacy legislation.
How we use cookies
At wallpaperdirect we use cookies to help us find which items you've added to your cart, and remember details about your order before you complete it. We don't store sensitive information like your name or address in our cookies, just an anonymous reference to them so that we're able to find them. We never store payment details at any point.
We also occasionally set cookies to help you navigate around this website, enhance your shopping experience, or give you important information regarding your order.
Managing cookies
You can change your cookie preferences on this website using the button below:
Alternatively you may choose to disable cookies or block cookies from specific websites using your browser preferences. Each browser has its own methods for doing this. For detailed instructions on how to disable, block or delete cookies in your browser consult your browser's help files or visit How to Manage Cookies.
Please bear in mind that if you block or delete cookies from this website we may not be able to process your order correctly.
For more detailed information about cookies please visit